
Welcome to the video database of regional broadcaster Omrop Fryslân. On this page, you will find all programmes produced for or about Leeuwarden-Friesland European Capital of Culture 2018. Each video is provided with English subtitles. All video material on this page is made available so it can be used in your productions, and can be requested with or without titles and in high definition. Please place your request through press@2018.nl.


Theatermaker Tjerk Ridder goes from Paris to Groningen with his donkey.

July 18, 2018

Theatermaker Tjerk Ridder is walking the so called "Martinus-pad" with his donkey Lodewijk. Everywhere he goes people give him drinks, food en a place to stay. All his experiences will come back in his new theater performance.


"Conference of the birds": a performance concerning the similarities between birds and Frisian orchestras.

July 04, 2018

The sound of birds and Hafabra orchestras is slowely disapearing out of our day to day lives...But is that really a bad thing? This is the main question of the theater performance Conference of the birds.


Is LF2018 secured enough?

January 26, 2018

In a few days LF2018, with all its cultural activities, will start. But is the grand opening secured enough?