
Welcome to the video database of regional broadcaster Omrop Fryslân. On this page, you will find all programmes produced for or about Leeuwarden-Friesland European Capital of Culture 2018. Each video is provided with English subtitles. All video material on this page is made available so it can be used in your productions, and can be requested with or without titles and in high definition. Please place your request through press@2018.nl.


The streets of Leeuwarden become Eritreatown

November 08, 2018

The "Oosterstraten" of Leeuwarden become Eritreatown for one week. Shops sell typical Eritrean products and people can follow workshops of Eritrean cooking.


IepenUP vlog: Salah from Syria want to learn the Dutch language

May 19, 2018

Fourteen young Frisian vloggers, with different backgrounds, make vlogs concerning all kind of topics. In this vlog, we will follow the 20 year old Syrian Salah Aldin Al Ayobi. He is experiencing difficulties learning the Dutch language and asks Prime Minister Rutte for help.

2018-08-17_de earste_dei_fan_de_reuzen_yn_lkouwert_2018tube.mp4

The first day of the giants in Leeuwarden

August 17, 2018

The giants are finally in Leeuwarden. Omrop Fryslân is following them on every step of the way.