
Welcome to the video database of regional broadcaster Omrop Fryslân. On this page, you will find all programmes produced for or about Leeuwarden-Friesland European Capital of Culture 2018. Each video is provided with English subtitles. All video material on this page is made available so it can be used in your productions, and can be requested with or without titles and in high definition. Please place your request through press@2018.nl.


Preview of the "8th day".

June 28, 2018

The 8th day is a five hour long chain reaction of cultural events in the city of Leeuwarden. In this video you will see a preview of 2 of the in total 48 chains.


Schools are very busy with the preparations for the At The Watergate festival

April 30, 2018

It is very busy at the high schools in Sneek even though the students have holiday. Emplyees of Empatec turn the high schools into a hostel for the 3000 participants of the At The Watergate Festival, so they will have a place to sleep.


300 woman embroider a ribbon for peace.

September 24, 2018

300 woman embroider a ribbon for peace. This way they want to raise attention for the problems in the world and that peace is not naturally. The ribbon is 80 meters long.