
Welcome to the video database of regional broadcaster Omrop Fryslân. On this page, you will find all programmes produced for or about Leeuwarden-Friesland European Capital of Culture 2018. Each video is provided with English subtitles. All video material on this page is made available so it can be used in your productions, and can be requested with or without titles and in high definition. Please place your request through press@2018.nl.


"Meiden van de Wielenpôlle" show two sides.

May 11, 2018

With Theater performance "Meiden van de Wielenpôlle", the girls of the disctrict Wielenpôlle want to show two sides they can have: A hard and a gentle side.


Last attempt to get the DNA of all the inhabitants of Leeuwarden

November 02, 2018

The municipally has already 16.000 tubes of with the DNA of the inhabitants of Leeuwarden. Little stories or things that are important for the Leeuwarder people are stored in the little tubes. The are exposed in the big hall of the town hall, where people can admire them. However, there are still some empty tubes that can be filled. This can be done till the 31ste of December.


The "Fryske Anjer" goes to Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018

October 02, 2018

The "Fryske Anjer" 2018 goes to Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018 cultural capital. However, the "Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds" wants the Frisian people to them know which event deserves it the most. Of all the events, they will pick a winner. At 7 December the winner will be announced and will receive 2500 euro.