
Welcome to the video database of regional broadcaster Omrop Fryslân. On this page, you will find all programmes produced for or about Leeuwarden-Friesland European Capital of Culture 2018. Each video is provided with English subtitles. All video material on this page is made available so it can be used in your productions, and can be requested with or without titles and in high definition. Please place your request through press@2018.nl.

The biggest crocheted blanket is at park Vijverburg in Tytsjerk

The biggest crocheted blanket is at park Vijverburg in Tytsjerk

July 14, 2018

The biggest crocheted blanket of the world has reached its final destination at park Vijverburg in Tytsjerk. The initial goal was to collect 10.000 blankets, but due to the high demand of blankets that goals is exceeded to a total amount of 10.841.


300 woman embroider a ribbon for peace.

September 24, 2018

300 woman embroider a ribbon for peace. This way they want to raise attention for the problems in the world and that peace is not naturally. The ribbon is 80 meters long.


Love in the cucumber fields

January 02, 2018

Theater performance "Lost in the greenhouse" is about love between a Polish employee and the daughter of the boss of the greenhouse. They are very busy rehearsing for the premiere in April.