People with disabilities go to Zweden for LF2018 performance
April 21, 2018
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A group of 20 people from Wommels are this week in Vollsjö, Sweden for a LF2018 project. They have a disability and live in the Talant group Tywerthiem.
Sirkus Adje Lambertsz is a cultural project for 50 primary schools in the municipally of Leeuwarden. The goal is the project is for kids to develop themselves and discover how they can contribute to LF2018.
"Lân fan taal" is a cultural capital event which consists of several projects concerning language in general and one of the projects is the DNA project.
Sirkus Adje Lambertsz is a cultural project for 50 primary schools in the municipally of Leeuwarden. The goal is the project is for kids to develop themselves and discover how they can contribute to LF2018.